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 Chap 656 Spoiler

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4 participants
Brook D. Bones
Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant
Brook D. Bones

Age : 113
Localisation : 5ème tombe a droite après le grand if
Emploi : étudie les plantes par la racine
Date d'inscription : 11/05/2010

Chap 656 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 656 Spoiler   Chap 656 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 7 Fév 2012 - 20:42

source mangahelpers

Citation :
Credit: CCC
Source: AP

First half

Cover story is Iceburg and his Shipwrights (Paulie and the like) and the Sea Train

What on earth is this dragon...?!
Luffy: Hey! This guy talked just now!
Usopp: Don't be stupid we must have misheard!
Luffy: Hmm I guess you're right.
Usopp: Because I'm still having trouble dealing with the fact that this is a dragon!
Robin: No matter how you look at it this is indeed the creature spoken of in fantasy!
Zoro: way!!
(The dragon blows fire)

*while dodging* Uwahhhh! It blew fire!
Usopp: Achachacha! There's no way this can exist! Are we dreaming!?
Zoro: How exciting!!
Luffy: Uhahaha! Gomu gomu JET Bullet!
Luffy punches it in the face
Luffy: ...!! Ohhh! This guy's skin is hard!!
*they stare each other down; dragon attacks with tail; Luffy deflects*
Zoro: Eh! Uwaa!
*Zoro and the dragon exchange blows*
Zoro: It's true, this dragon really talked! Santoryuu: Goku Toragari (Quindecillion Tiger Hunt)
Dragon: !! *the dragon opens its mouth and stops Zoro's attack with its fangs*
Zoro: Uoooo! Shit! What's with this power!? And this stiffness!?
Luffy: Nnnn.... Take this! *he kicks*
Dragon: Gurorororo!
Zoro: ...! Luffy!
Luffy: It talked! Hey look!
Usopp: I heard it too! What's up with that?!
Robin: ...
*the dragon leaps*
Luffy: It jumped! Uho!
Dragon: Bu! Are you lot also friends of the Shichibukai? *it breathes fire*
Usopp: Gyaaa... this heat! And it talked again!
Robin: It said Shichibukai. I wonder if it has some sort of grudge...
Zoro: Luffy leave this one to me. I'll cut it down!!\
Luffy: Ok! Got it! *Luffy launches off a wall into the air*
Luffy: I'll knock it down for you!
*Luffy rides on its back while avoiding the flames*

Luffy: Ha?
Dragon: Bu... but this coolness is strange. These flames are cool!!
Luffy: Hey we've got a problem! There's a person stuck to the dragon's head!
Usopp: Ehh!? What sort of state are they in?!
Robin: Ah, so the one who was talking...
*the dragon tries to snap at Luffy, but Luffy grabs its wing and thrusts it into its mouth*
*the dragon falls*

Zoro: Usopp!
Usopp: Got it! Hissastu Midori Boshi (Sure Kill Green Star): Tramporia!"
Zoro: Ittouryuu (1-Sword Style) Igoshi Shishi Sonson (somethingDeath: Lion Song)
*the dragon is killed*
Usopp: Uooo! Amazing!
Luffy: Nahahaha! This dragon looks delicious!
Zoro: We could have a barbecue with this island's flames.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------

On the Sunny Go
Sanji is carrying food, but when he goes outside, everyone else is sleeping
Sanji: Mist? No...! (I'm done for too. I've already inhaled!! Everyone's asleep because of this gas! Is it natural? Or has someone boarded? It's good that those four who went to the island have the mini Denden Mushi but... if only I could reach them somehow) Sanji also passes out.
A group of 4 wearing gas masks
Gas 1: Two humans... a human like iron man... and a pet. Tie 'em all up.
Gas 2: Oh! Pirates are actually the most suitable... we'll give them to M (master) as tribute! No one's going to mind if a few pirates go missing!

On the island
Luffy removes the guy who was stuck to the dragon
Luffy: Gyaa! Sorry I ripped you apart!

A person who is just a lower half of a body emerges
Usopp: Stupid! You think sorry is enough!? You killed him!
Lower half: Ohh! I'm separated!
Luffy: Ehhh! It talked! What is this, a zombie?!
Usopp: A ghost...
Robin: How did you come to be stuck to the dragon? And why is there no damage from being ripped apart?
Usopp: So you were just a lower half from the start? Awfully big...
Luffy: That's a pretty personal question!
*the lower half, while spinning and kicking*: Bu Make way, make way bu! There's no way I could die in a place like this bu! Gotta run bu!

*lower half of the body starts running*
Luffy: Ah! It's running!
Lower half: That stupid Shichibukai...!!
Luffy: Hey wait! Join my crew!
Usopp: Cut that out!

What's going on here?!?
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 43
Localisation : Dans la cuisine ^^
Emploi : Prof de maths
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2007

Chap 656 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 656 Spoiler   Chap 656 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 7 Fév 2012 - 20:47

C'est rare que je lise un spoil entièrement en anglais, mais celui-ci est bien sympa ^^

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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2009

Chap 656 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 656 Spoiler   Chap 656 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 7 Fév 2012 - 20:58

Le Spoil provient d'ohana (arlong park), donc c'est confirmé:
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 31
Localisation : 67
Emploi : humain
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Chap 656 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 656 Spoiler   Chap 656 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 8 Fév 2012 - 12:09

va dispo =>

EDIT black: topic locked
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MessageSujet: Re: Chap 656 Spoiler   Chap 656 Spoiler Icon_minitime

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