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 chap 601 spoiler

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roronoa zorro85
Brook D. Bones
dare dare motus
richar D jonsmith
Monkey D. Ptitchoun
Sanji-la jambe noire
22 participants
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Apprenti pirate
Apprenti pirate

Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2009

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 10:14

Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé sur mangahelpers, apparement confirmé :


Luffy détruit un px en un seul coup bounce
Et rayleigh aurait les larmes aux yeux lorsque luffy lui dit qu'il sera seigneur des pirate ^^
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 11:08

Wouha trop bon ca s'annonce bien!!!
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Sanji-la jambe noire
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné
Sanji-la jambe noire

Age : 30
Emploi : Pro Boa, Pro Robin, Anti-Nami
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 11:36

Trad :

Chapitre 601 : Romance Dawn – For the new world
A l’aube d’une aventure sur le Nouveau Monde

Couverture : Nami joue au poker avec une aigrette (l’oiseau arnaqueur d’Alabasta)

Le fake Luffy est mis K.O par Sentoumaru
Le chapitre de cette semaine est très excitant

Le fake Luffy est en vérité un pirate qui répond au nom de Demaro Black. Sa prime est de 26 millions de Berry
Son surnom : Demaro Black aux trois langues (en gros, un gars qui ment à trois parties/clans pour contenter tout le monde)

Luffy détruit le PX5 en un coup grâce à un Jet Pistol imprégné de Haki !
Zoro et Sanji font leur apparition, et s’occupent immédiatement de l’autre Pacifista

Le chapitre se termine par Luffy disant à Rayleigh qu’il va devenir le seigneur des pirates. Ray en a les larmes aux yeux

Aucune nouvelle des frères Cariboo, mais Doughty s’est fait avoir par un des deux PX. D’autres pirates prennent la fuite
Certains sont en rognes, mécontents d’avoir été trompés par le fake Luffy
Je pense qu’il y a deux ans, Sentoumaru n’était pas un marine. Il l’est devenu durant l’ellipse

Comme Luffy était plutôt pressé, il n’a pas combattu Sentoumaru

Les Tobiou riders accostent Brook et l’emmènent avec eux. Ils le déposent là où la bagarre a lieu
Les PX ont les primes gravées dans leur mémoire. Ils peuvent identifier les suspects en un instant


J'adore, il détruit un PX en un seul coup drunken


Amid the chaos, Brook gets on the back of a Flying Fish Rider and heads to 42GR

Sanji confirms the location of the meeting point by Franky through the den-den mushi
Zoro: What is it?
Sanji: Haven't you been listening? Let's see... Marines, come. We run. To Ship. Get it?
Zoro: Why are you talking to me like baby!! Explain in sentences!!
Sanji: I figured this would be adequet for a man with muscles as his brain.
Zoro: Alright then, I'll make sure and cut you later. Anyways, what's with the ruckus at that island over there?
Sanji: Hmm, true. Noisy. Over there.

46GR Fake Strawhats gathering area
Pirates are riled up
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji (I assume fake, ohana's scribbles are almost gibberish here)
Do you know him? Yeah, we found him over there....
Marines arrive at the scene. Surrender!! The exits are all covered!!
Fake Luffy orders Cariboo and Coriboo!
Cariboo ignores Fake Luffy's orders, and starts slaughtering weakened marines that no longer have the will to fight back.
Fakes vs Marines
PXs appear
PX: Strawhat Luffy identified. Targeting.
Fake Luffy: Are they real? They are targeting me...
Another Pacifista shoots Doughty. Luffy runs away amidst the chaos
Sentoumaru appears
Sentoumaru: Why are you being called Strawhat? (at Fake Luffy)
Fake Luffy: You know who I am don't you? Out of my way! I'm am the 400 million bounty head, son of Dragon and grandson of Garp...
Sentoumaru: The Strawhat isn't a piece of crap like you
Sentoumaru hits him with the axe. He then has the Pacifista identify the fake Luffy
Fake Luffy = 26 million bounty pirate "Three-tongued" DeMaro Black
Everyone realizes he's fake, and are enraged. Luffy finally starts to realize what's going on
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 11:41

Au fait merci a acidj pour le spoil et sanji la jambe noir pour la trad avec tout ça on en oubli même la
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Sanji-la jambe noire
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné
Sanji-la jambe noire

Age : 30
Emploi : Pro Boa, Pro Robin, Anti-Nami
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 11:57

La suite de mon post précédent :

Sentoumaru: The real one is here too! Get him!
PX locks on to the target
Luffy has taken off his fake moustache. He evades PX's attacks
Luffy: What are you doing! I've got some really important lunch boxes in my backpack!
Everyone is shocked to see the Luffy who actually has the same face as the one on the wanted posters
Luffy: Even though I was told that if there was a commotion it'd be hard to set sail
Sentoumaru: There is no need for you to set sail. Unlike 2 years ago, I have officially become a member of the Marines! I will capture you right here!!
A beam comes out of the PX's hand, but Luffy evades it. Luffy uses gear second, and destroys 1 PX with a Jet Pistol
Sentoumaru: He imbued that with Haki...!!
Luffy runs away, but Zoro and Sanji come running after him
Sanji: Luffy, it reall was you!! Why are you always caught in some trouble!!
They were about to rejoice at their reunion, but another PX beam interrupts
Sanji and Zoro attack the PX at the same time. Zoro slashes. Sanji kicks its neck (and breaks it)
Other pirates (they're so surprised their eyes are popping out of their heads): They're totally different from the fakes ~
Zoro: Luffy, you're the ninth
Sanji: Shut up, just how proud of yourself can you get!! Luffy, we have to hurry, everyone's waiting at the ship
Luffy: Got it!! Iya~ I'm so happy~ It's been 2 years, hasn't it~!!
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji set out running
Luffy spots Rayleigh sitting in a tree from afar
Luffy: Rayleigh!!
Rayleigh: Fufufu, I came to see how you were, but you seem just fine. You've polished your power even more. Well then, hurry on to where your nakama are
Luffy: Yeah!! Rayleigh, thank you so much for everything these 2 years!!
Rayleigh: Fufu, it's not the time to be all formal, hurry and go...
Luffy raises a fist: Rayleigh, I'm going to do it!!!
Rayleigh: ?
Rayleigh: I'll become the pirate king!!
Rayleigh tears up

Just you wait, New World!!
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Monkey D. Ptitchoun
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné
Monkey D. Ptitchoun

Age : 28
Localisation : Tu crois que je vais te le dire?!?. A toi de me trouver ^^
Emploi : Allez demander à mes potes
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 13:06

Merci Sanji ^^ Les combats sont enfin là Twisted Evil Hâte d'avoir la VA What a Face
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Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant

Age : 35
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 13:15

Merci pour la trad Smile

Luffy qui One Shot un PX je veux vite voir ça !!! Very Happy
En tout cas le chapitre s'annonce vraiment bien
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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 13:50

mouais bof, j'attend de voir les images parce que là bounce
pas très cool de voir que luffy, zoro, sanji en 1 chapitre Rolling Eyes
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 43
Localisation : Dans la cuisine ^^
Emploi : Prof de maths
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2007

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 13:59

Ah ben voilà, là, on voit du power up ^^

Et ça va dans le sens de la vraie progression, c'est sympa. Qui a dit que les spoils précédents étaient des fakes parceque Luffy, Zoro et Sanji battaient les pxs trop vite ? Razz
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Age : 40
Localisation : sous la couette avec ma robin à moi
Emploi : agent de qualité
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2006

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:33

Shocked on a jamais eu autant de script ou de dialogues
et tout cela sans avoir une seule image
sinon bon ça s'annonce bien sympa tout ça
meme si finalement il y a pas de surprise
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richar D jonsmith
Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant
richar D jonsmith

Age : 41
Localisation : sur mon radeau
Emploi : Operateur
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:37

Page 2:
Brooke: Yohohohoho!!! (Luffy wait for me, our new voyage will be starting very Soooon!!!!!)
Marines: get him!!
Brooke: Femurata Flanc!!!
Marines: I can’t control it… I love you Brooke-sama!!!!
Brooke: Brink Bond Avant!!
(it seems that brooke vanished instantly)
Marines: Where’s Brooke? Find him!!!
Page 3:
Brooke: Yohohohoho!!!!
(Brooke is seen to one of the flyingfish riders on the sky… don’t know the name.. sorry!)
Flyingfish rider: oh! Are you brooke? Shakky told me that your ship and crewmates will be on grove 42
Brooke: oh! Thank you… Ok, im going now…
Flying fish rider: oh wait, you can ride with me
Brooke: Yohohohoho!! Im just kidding…
Page 4:
Thousand sunny ship
Usopp: Whaaaaaaaaatttttttttt????????!!!!!!!!!!
Robin: (smile) what’s wrong long nose-kun?
Nami: yeah! We have gotten changed a lot Usopp, don’t worry, we can defeat those guys!
Usopp: I’m still not ready… I still need to get my costume… (What would be my entrance? Hmmmm?? King of the snipers has return!! I love that!)
Chopper: Usopp, I already thought about my screen name!!
Franky: we’re suppppeerr near!! Be ready supppeerrr crewww has returned!!
Name/Usopp/chopper/robin: yes!!
Rayleigh: tsktsk
Page 5:
Meanwhile, Sanji and zoro seems notice the real straw hat luffy, they saw sentoumaru with the 2 px’s
Sanji: oh no! Captain!!! Let’s help him!!
Zoro: Wait! Shit Chef, our captain doesn’t want to expose us yet…
Sanji: how do you say so marimo?!
Zoro: look!
(Luffy didn’t fight and just seeing the argument between fake luffy and sentoumaru)
Page 6:
Luffy: Oh, I almost forgot… my crew is waiting… I’ve got to go!!
Sentoumaru: (talking to luffy who is running away) Oh, look at your crewmate… scared already?! Well, Rookiiess!!
Fake Luffy: Oi fatty asshole, you want a fight… Let’s go Strawhat pirates!
Fake luffy’s crew: Let’s go captain!!
Sanji: Hey marimo, luffy Is running now… let’s follow him…
Zoro: I know, don’t command me shit chef!
Page 7:
Luffy: Wait for me, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke, our reunion, Our Reunion, I can feel our reunion now! Can’t wait to see you guys again…
Zoro: Luffy!!
Sanji: Luffy!!!
Luffy: Oh, those fake zoro and sanji again… what a pain in the ass….
Sanji: Darnit, he said we’re fakes!!
Zoro: he doesn’t listen because you look like fake shitty cook… your eyebrow seems changed ei?
Sanji: Darn it! (Those newkamas turned me like this!)…
Page 8:
Sentoumaru: What’s wrong Luffy? Can’t fight already??
Fake luffy: cough*cough*
Marine: Sir… it seems that he is not strawhat luffy, he is Demaro Black!!!
Sentoumaru: what is his bounty?
Marine: 26 million beri
Sentoumaru: Oh well! I’ve already thought of that as well!! PX’s take the caribou and coriboo bro’s!
Page 9:
Grove 42:
Rayleigh: I can’t believe it, usopp, you knew about Haki?
Usopp: yes, Heracles, my teacher, teach me about that… the color of Observation!!
Chopper: whaaaaat!! I wanna learn that too!!

Apparament Ussppp aurait apprit a utiliser le haki de l 'observation. sacré power up quand meme !
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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:45

voilà le genre de spoil que j'attendais Twisted Evil
merci beaucoup, waou enfin les retrouvailles Very Happy
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Age : 40
Localisation : sous la couette avec ma robin à moi
Emploi : agent de qualité
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2006

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:50

scratch ussop avec le haki de l'observation
là j'ai vraiment du mal à y croire
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richar D jonsmith
Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant
richar D jonsmith

Age : 41
Localisation : sur mon radeau
Emploi : Operateur
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:56

Je trouve que ca correspond bien à son profil de sniper pourtant. Rien de tel que de connaitre la position des ennemis pour un tireur d'élite.
A voir...
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 43
Localisation : Dans la cuisine ^^
Emploi : Prof de maths
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2007

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:59

Un vrai power up pour Usopp, c'est pas mal, surtout qu'avec cela, il pourra atteindre des cibles beaucoup plus éloignées.
En plus, c'est la surprise, donc bien joué ^^

Sinon, il me tarde vraiment d'avoir les images qui confirment les textes. C'est bizarre d'avoir les dialogues avant les images...
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 113
Localisation : Je suis le One Piece
Emploi : Emploi
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 14:59

Mouais, pour le Haki de l'observation, j'y crois pas trop quand même! affraid
Mais bon ça a quand même l'air réaliste, le reste. J'aime bien le retour au "Romance Dawn". Very Happy
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Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant

Age : 31
Localisation : U.S.A.
Emploi : etudiant
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 15:27

ça à l'air confirmé par AP, meme si il n'y a toujours pas d'image...

En tout cas si c'est vrai c'est LE chapitre que l'on attendait en bavant... drunken

(j'adore zoro : "Luffy you are ninth" lol! )
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Pirate de premier ordre
Pirate de premier ordre

Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 17:53

richar D jonsmith a écrit:
Page 2:
Brooke: Yohohohoho!!! (Luffy wait for me, our new voyage will be starting very Soooon!!!!!)
Marines: get him!!
Brooke: Femurata Flanc!!!
Marines: I can’t control it… I love you Brooke-sama!!!!
Brooke: Brink Bond Avant!!
(it seems that brooke vanished instantly)
Marines: Where’s Brooke? Find him!!!
Page 3:
Brooke: Yohohohoho!!!!
(Brooke is seen to one of the flyingfish riders on the sky… don’t know the name.. sorry!)
Flyingfish rider: oh! Are you brooke? Shakky told me that your ship and crewmates will be on grove 42
Brooke: oh! Thank you… Ok, im going now…
Flying fish rider: oh wait, you can ride with me
Brooke: Yohohohoho!! Im just kidding…
Page 4:
Thousand sunny ship
Usopp: Whaaaaaaaaatttttttttt????????!!!!!!!!!!
Robin: (smile) what’s wrong long nose-kun?
Nami: yeah! We have gotten changed a lot Usopp, don’t worry, we can defeat those guys!
Usopp: I’m still not ready… I still need to get my costume… (What would be my entrance? Hmmmm?? King of the snipers has return!! I love that!)
Chopper: Usopp, I already thought about my screen name!!
Franky: we’re suppppeerr near!! Be ready supppeerrr crewww has returned!!
Name/Usopp/chopper/robin: yes!!
Rayleigh: tsktsk
Page 5:
Meanwhile, Sanji and zoro seems notice the real straw hat luffy, they saw sentoumaru with the 2 px’s
Sanji: oh no! Captain!!! Let’s help him!!
Zoro: Wait! Shit Chef, our captain doesn’t want to expose us yet…
Sanji: how do you say so marimo?!
Zoro: look!
(Luffy didn’t fight and just seeing the argument between fake luffy and sentoumaru)
Page 6:
Luffy: Oh, I almost forgot… my crew is waiting… I’ve got to go!!
Sentoumaru: (talking to luffy who is running away) Oh, look at your crewmate… scared already?! Well, Rookiiess!!
Fake Luffy: Oi fatty asshole, you want a fight… Let’s go Strawhat pirates!
Fake luffy’s crew: Let’s go captain!!
Sanji: Hey marimo, luffy Is running now… let’s follow him…
Zoro: I know, don’t command me shit chef!
Page 7:
Luffy: Wait for me, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke, our reunion, Our Reunion, I can feel our reunion now! Can’t wait to see you guys again…
Zoro: Luffy!!
Sanji: Luffy!!!
Luffy: Oh, those fake zoro and sanji again… what a pain in the ass….
Sanji: Darnit, he said we’re fakes!!
Zoro: he doesn’t listen because you look like fake shitty cook… your eyebrow seems changed ei?
Sanji: Darn it! (Those newkamas turned me like this!)…
Page 8:
Sentoumaru: What’s wrong Luffy? Can’t fight already??
Fake luffy: cough*cough*
Marine: Sir… it seems that he is not strawhat luffy, he is Demaro Black!!!
Sentoumaru: what is his bounty?
Marine: 26 million beri
Sentoumaru: Oh well! I’ve already thought of that as well!! PX’s take the caribou and coriboo bro’s!
Page 9:
Grove 42:
Rayleigh: I can’t believe it, usopp, you knew about Haki?
Usopp: yes, Heracles, my teacher, teach me about that… the color of Observation!!
Chopper: whaaaaat!! I wanna learn that too!!

Apparament Ussppp aurait apprit a utiliser le haki de l 'observation. sacré power up quand meme !

la suite du script

Page 10:
Sentoumaru: (thought about the guy who ran away and the two guys who followed him) Oh! Wait! PX’s leave those rookies to the marines… let’s go to grove 42!!
PX-5: …..
Sentoumaru: (I am close to be tricked by those fakes… Luffy… I got you now!!)

Page 11:
Rayleigh: I never thought that he lives there, well nice for him to teach you about that… no surprise!!
Robin: good for you long nose-kun
Nami: so that’s why you became manly at the bar ei…
Rayleigh: Everyone, be ready, someone’s coming…
Usopp: Yes, they are 6!!!!

Page 12:
Brooke: Are we there yet?
Flying fish rider: Not yet…
Brooke: ok, well then, im going to sing, another song!!! Yohohohohohoho!!!
Meanwhile the fake strawhats seems to be beaten up by the crews they recruited

Page 13:
Sanji: Luuuufffyyyyy~!!!!!
Luffy: ooohhh!! Sanji!! And zoro too??
Zoro: yes! How dare you thought as fakes… darn captain!
Luffy: oh sorry, two years had passed, it seems that both of you are starting to like each other..
Zoro and Sanji: shut-up!!!
Luffy: we need to get hurry
Sanji: Luffy, Franky told me that the new rendezvous for our new voyage will be on grove 42.
Luffy: let’s go!!

Page 14:
Grove 42:
Brooke: thank you… I have to go now; I see the boat up from here…
Flying fish rider: you should be now; your music really pains my ears!!
Brooke: yohohohohoho!!!
Flying fish rider: becareful jumping down… oh! He vanished again! Oh well… he really become that fast after 2 years

Page 15:
Brooke: Everyone!!!!
Franky: you hear someone calling us…
Nami: where?
Robin: up there…
Chopper: oh… Brooke!!!
Franky: you really made me proud… our musician has back!
Usopp: Brooke… Soul King brooke!!

Page 16:
PX-5: (shoot a beam to luffy from the back)
Luffy: … (he dodge the laser with his COO)
Luffy: darnit, I don’t have time for you... gear second… Jet Pistol!!!!
Another PX appeared
Zoro slice the PX in to two and Sanji kick its head
Zoro: Shitty cook, you’re covering my action!

Page 17:
Rayleigh: Luffy is here now…
Nami / Usopp / Robin / Chopper / Franky / Brooke: Captain!!!!
It seems that Nami, usopp, robin, chopper, franky and brooke noticed sanji and zoro as well… with teary eyes, they are all happy to see each other again.

Page 18:
Rayleigh: I’m impressed of what you have gained now luffy… this is your two years of training
Shakky: Now that all of you are here today… We can leave you now
Luffy: Rayleigh~~!!!!! IM GOING TO BECOME THE PIRATE KING!!!!!!!!!!
Rayleigh seemed to have tears with his eyes… and shaky just smile
Sentoumaru: Hold on… Strawhats!!!!!
Finally, REMATCH draws near…

Et c'est qui qui prévoyait que zoro couperait des PX en 2 comme de la mortadelle ? héhé ...

Dernière édition par alpacks le Mer 20 Oct 2010 - 18:00, édité 1 fois
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richar D jonsmith
Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant
richar D jonsmith

Age : 41
Localisation : sur mon radeau
Emploi : Operateur
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2008

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 17:58

Bien joué alpacks !
Ça sent le gros, le très gros chapitre !
Donc Rayleigh a l'air de connaitre Heracles (un ancien de l'équipage de Roger ?)
Hâte de voir tout ça en image !
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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 18:01

ça me semble du lourd tout ça, m'enfin c'est pas tout ça mais à quand les images, je craque Sad
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dare dare motus
dare dare motus

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 18:24

ussop avec le haki fakeeeeeeeeee Twisted Evil
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Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant

Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 19:11

il y a toute les images du scan ici

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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 19:15

Aka_Inu a écrit:
il y a toute les images du scan ici

mouais bof en faite, j'm'attendais à mieu, on voit même pas le reste comme c'est dit dans la trad, on voit que zoro, luffy, sanji et brook Rolling Eyes
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Pirate débutant
Pirate débutant

Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2010

chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 19:18

kokaishi-Nami a écrit:
Aka_Inu a écrit:
il y a toute les images du scan ici

mouais bof en faite, j'm'attendais à mieu, on voit même pas le reste comme c'est dit dans la trad, on voit que zoro, luffy, sanji et brook Rolling Eyes
ah ouai bof?je sais pas ce qu'il te faut,on a action emotion humour,bref ca bouge comme il le fallait,je le trouve énorme,un des meilleurs scan depuis un bon moment!!
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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 20 Oct 2010 - 19:19

désolée mais c'est toujours les mêmes qu'on voit combattre, comme si zoro, luffy et sanji étaient les seuls à battre des px, comme si seuls eux avaient vraiment progressé en force, ça m'saoul c'est tout Evil or Very Mad
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chap 601 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 601 spoiler   chap 601 spoiler Icon_minitime

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chap 601 spoiler
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