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 chap 584 spoiler

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10 participants
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2008

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 15:43

voila quelque image qui vienne juste de sortir

chap 584 spoiler 2co2bt0 chap 584 spoiler 346xsur chap 584 spoiler 14aa2q0

Citation :
Title: The Porchemi Incident
Cover: Crocodile and Mr. 1

Luffy is tied to the post/tree with a rope
Luffy “Let me go! (I changed this because I think they made a typo) I won’t say anything!!
Porchemi: Damn brat!
Another pirate brandishes a giant mallet and gets pissed

The sound of the giant hammer’s impact sounds out within a small hut on the mountain of garbage.
Luffy is being flattened by the hammer
Luffy: ….!!
The pirates get up and scream
Luffy: I ate the gom gomu fruit.
Pirates: Gyaaaaaaaaaah
Porchemi: ….

Porchemi: ….? A devil fruit? This is the real thing. Bring the gloves.
Pirates: ?!
Porchemi: Listen you dram brat, what your friend Ace stole from us was our crew’s precious money.
Luffy is strung up with rope
Porchemi: You know where it/he is…so tell us!

Luffy: !!!
Porchemi beats Luffy with spiked gloves and Luffy bleeds

Blood splatters
Pirates: ……! It worked!!
Porchemi: Don’t offend pirates…our captain Bluejam is a brute.
Luffy’s blood drips like water while he cries and is shown dealing with great pain.

Luffy: Gyaaaaaaaaah it hurts! I’m scared!! Save me!!
Luffy’s voice sounds out throughout the mountain of garbage
Porchemi: You guys, go look for Ace and Sabo.
Pirates: Y-yes sir!

The scene changes to a forest in the Gray Terminal/Colb Mountain?
Sabo: Hurry hurry! If Porchemi and his gang make it here we’re through! Hurry and move the treasure to another place--there’s also the problem of how long it takes that Luffy guy to fess up!
Ace and Sabo take out the treasure and money in haste
Sabo: If they come here they won’t just take this time’s treasure, but our pirate savings for the past five years!

At one part of Colb mountain there’s two goons looking for people and a mass of homeless people.
Guy in a hat: You say you don’t know Ace and Sabo? You’re the dregs of this town…stop protecting those two.
Guy with a child: Don’t look down on them because they’re small…they’re mad dogs that can devour a tiger.
Guy carrying a small sword: Ace and Sabo…I don’t see them. More important than that…you guys give us something worth money. (Totally not sure about this)
The two goons: !!?

Ace: Didn’t notice it was night…alright! We’ve moved all the treasure!
Ace is ontop of a rock under a tree
Sabo runs in desperate to the rock Ace is at
Sabo: Hah…..haa….Ace!!
Ace: Sabo! How was it? Did they come to look for the money over there?!
Sabo: Ha…haaa…nah they didn’t come to search! That Luffy guy….he still hasn’t talked!
Sabo speaks while trying to catch his breath and Ace is shocked
Ace: Huh?!

A map explaining Gray Terminal is shown. A bay with pirates?
The Bluejam pirate ship is shown
Bluejam: They sure are late…hey…who was responsible for today?
Pirate: That rascal Porchemi, Captain Bluejam!
Bluejam: It’s already getting dark…How much money could he have taken? That bastard…there’s no way he took the money and ran, right?
Pirate: No…no way….
Bluejam has messed up teeth and a weird hairdo (I think)

Scene changes to Luffy who is all messed up
Porchemi: Cut the BS and spit it out! Ha….ha…
Porchemi is out of breath and pounding Luffy and a pirate tries to stop him
Pirate: Po-po-po-Porchemi! It’s useless!
Luffy is beat up, crying and covered in blood
Pirate: This guy…he’s even lost the energy to shout! He probably won’t say anything…this is so brutal I can’t watch.

Porchemi: If you have time to protect this brat then go find Ace and Sabo! It’s our lives that are on the line!
Porchemi knocks his underling away

Some dude that lives in the garbage heap sees this
Dude: To a kid like that!…Should we call the cops?
Another dude: No point. The law doesn’t reach out to this garbage heap. That man is one of the Bluejam pirates…they give money to the nobles…their crimes and murders are allowed in this land. No matter how many corpses this garbage heap gets…garbage is garbage.

Porchemi: Answer me!!
Luffy: …I won’t talk…
Porchemi: Damn brat, don’t protect secrets to become an adult! (I can’t localize this for the life of me lol)
Porchemi continues to pound Luffy, Luffy cries
Luffy: I won’t talk!!! I won’t talk!!
Porchemi pulls out a sword
Porchemi: Then enough! Die!
Luffy: ?!

Ace and Sabo: Stop!!!!
The two break into the shack
Porchemi: !!!!!
Pirates: These guys! Porchemi! These are the guys that took the money! Son of a bitch!
Porchemi glares that them (I think)
Luffy: A--Ace!!
Luffy cries loud

Porchemi grabs Ace
Porchemi: If you’ve come yourself then this won’t take long.
Ace: ?!!
Porchemi: Your friend has a tight mouth and it caused me trouble.
Ace: Sabo!
Porchemi: Huh?
Sabo: Uwaaaaaaah!
Sabo hits Porchemi with the pole he had
Pirates: Porchemi!
The Pirates panic
Porchemi collapses

In the opening Sabo steals a knife from the pirates
Pirates: Ah! A knife!
Sabo cuts Luffy loose and runs away with him
Sabo: Run, Ace!
Ace: Go on ahead!
Ace waits as Porchemi gets up
Sabo: ?! You idiot!
Ace: Once we’ve faced each off I won’t run away!
A shot of Ace getting ready

Sabo: Stop it! Your opponent has a sword! He’s different from the punks in town!
Porchemi: Hey…you’ve done something wicked (I don’t know this) Why don’t you just quietly hand over the money?
Ace: We can use it better than you can.
Porchemi: Quit talking crap!
Porchemi gets pissed
Sabo: You…wait!
Sabo sets Luffy down and backs up Ace
Porchemi cuts both the pole and Ace’s forehead with his sword
Porchemi: If I lose to a brat, I’ll quit being a pirate!
Ace bleeds from his forehead and an angry Sabo jumps in
Porchemi is calm and Luffy is silent

Changes to nighttime
Bluejam: I heard the details…Porchemi is pathetic.
Pirates: Really? You…!
Porchemi is all beaten up
Porchemi: I’m sorry captain…that money was…
Bluejam: Don’t look at me. I don’t even want to see your face.
Bluejam shots Porchemi dead.

Scene changes
Luffy: waaaaah wahh or whatever
Luffy cries
Sabo: You’re so evil Ace! To say “I won’t run” up against a real pirate…why do you have to have a death wish like that?!
Sabo gets angry and Ace gets quiet again
Sabo: Ha…having done this Bluejam’s crew won’t forgive us…they’ll come after us now.
Luffy keeps crying
Luffy: I was scared…I thought I was dead.
Ace: Shut up! How long are you going to cry for? I hate weaklings and crybabies, they get on my nerves!
Ace gets angry and slaps Luffy, he stops crying.
Ace: Oh.
Luffy: ….thank you.
He bows his head to Luffy and Sabo
Ace and Sabo: ….
While thanking them he begins to cry again
Luffy: Th…thank you for saving me!
Ace: You ass!
Sabo: Hey hey! He’s just thanking us.
Sabo stops the angry Ace
Ace: Anyway…why didn’t you tell them?! Those guys would kill a woman or child without a problem!
Luffy: …if I talked, we couldn’t be friends anymore.
Ace: Not being friends is better than dying! Why do you want to be friends with me so much? Just how do you look at me? You’ve gone and followed me all this way!!

Luffy cries all teary/snotty
Luffy: But I have nobody else to depend on!
Ace: ?!
Luffy: I can’t go back to Fusha village, and I hate mountain bandits! If I didn’t go after you…
Ace: …….
Luffy: Being on my own…being alone is so painful for me!!
Ace: Your parents…?
Luffy: I don’t have any other than gramps!
Ace: So if I’m with you it’s not painful…if I’m not with you…you’re troubled.
Luffy: Yeah.

“What if Roger had a child?! Gahahaha it would suck for that guy!
“He is birth and life wouldn’t be forgiven! A demon!”

Back to present (as in the current flashback)
Ace: You…want me to live?
Luffy: ?!….Of course I do!
Ace: I see…but I hate naïve little brats like you.
Luffy: I’m not naïve/mushy!! I’m strong!!
Ace: Strong? How are you strong? Even though you’re a man you cry!
Luffy: Have you ever been punched with a spike?! I’m 7 years old! When I turn ten like you I’ll definitely be strong and not cry!
Ace: Even if I was seven I wouldn’t cry! You idiot! Don’t group me with you!

Luffy: I’m going to be stronger than everyone! I promised Shanks I would be a great pirate!
Luffy and Ace are spreading fireworks
Ace: A pirate? You?!
Sabo: Hey…by the way…a problem has come up for me.
Ace/Luffy: ?
Sabo: Up until now I’ve lived in this garbage heap…but as of today our lives are being sought after by pirates, right?

Scene changes to Dadan’s hideout
Dadan: What the hell is the meaning of this?! Ace! Luffy! Who is this guy?!
Sabo shakes hands with the shouting Dadan
Sabo: Yo! You’re Dadan? I’m Sabo.
Dadan: Sabo?! I know that name! I heard you’re quite the damn brat!
Sabo: I see…I’ve also heard that you’re a damn ol hag!
Dadan: Unnecessary information!

“By being chased, Ace and his good friend Sabo now live together in the uncertain gray terminal”
They head out toward the mountain from the hideout and are yelled at by Dadan.
Dadan: you guys! I have to look after you so do some work!
Ace: Luffy! Don’t follow us!
Luffy: I’ll follow!

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. Soon these three would do nothing all day and night but fight with the beasts of the mountain road and jungles, and town’s punks, the scoundrels of the garbage heap and the bay’s pirates. This bad reputation would soon come to the land and reach the streets.

Dadan: Dogura! Magura! Where is “Goa”?
The turban guy is probably Dogura
Dogura: Well, in general, this Colb mountain, garbage heap, and Fusha village are all part of the dominion of the Goa Kingdom.
Dadan: Right?
Magura: (Not sure about this line, but I think it’s commenting on Dadan rarely reading a newspaper)
Dadan: They say a visitor is coming to this land? It’s becoming kinda big news…but what an uproar…is this guy really such a big deal? A “Tenryuubito”.
Ends showing the hideout.

Dernière édition par AE86 le Mer 12 Mai 2010 - 15:52, édité 1 fois
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chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 15:49

ah ben voila Razz
moi qui m'inquiétais, là ça vas mieu, merci pour les images
apparament ace et sabo sauvent luffy
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Pirate experimenté
Pirate experimenté

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2008

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 16:27

Ouai je commençais aussi a paniquer xD
Bon on continue sur la lancé du flash back
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è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 16:41

mais c'est quoi ce bordel on aurait du avoir une pause normalement >_<

j'y comprend plus rien du tout confused

neanmoins, merci x)
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chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 16:44

La pause on l'a pas eu la semaine dernière plutôt ? Rolling Eyes
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è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 16:51

ah non en faite on a rien eu du 26 avril au 1er mai

mais comme on eu le 583 vachement tot semaine dernière, des le lundi, ça m'a totalement induit en erreurs

my bad, sorry ^^"
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Age : 40
Localisation : sous la couette avec ma robin à moi
Emploi : agent de qualité
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2006

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 20:14

crocodile et mr 1 en ouverture
est ce qu'on dois prendre ça comme une mini story scratch
bon j'ai pas tout pigé le script
j'ai juste compris que ace et sabo sauve luffy
qu'on voit bien le pirates bluejam
mais la grosse (et l'unique) serait l'arivée d'un dragon celeste !!!! Shocked Shocked
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Pirate d'honneur OPC
Pirate d'honneur OPC

Age : 37
Localisation : sur la route de tout les perils
Emploi : mouette
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2007

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 20:25

sanji.dnami a écrit:
crocodile et mr 1 en ouverture
est ce qu'on dois prendre ça comme une mini story scratch


Je pense pas la derniere fois c'était Hogbak et Absalom donc je pense juste une retrospective d'ancien ennemi
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chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 20:30

mugiwaranoluffy a écrit:
sanji.dnami a écrit:
crocodile et mr 1 en ouverture
est ce qu'on dois prendre ça comme une mini story scratch


Je pense pas la derniere fois c'était Hogbak et Absalom donc je pense juste une retrospective d'ancien ennemi
Exacte, pour l'instant il n'y a donc pas de mini story, pourquoi ? mystère Rolling Eyes
sinon hâte de voir la raw et vf Smile
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 31
Localisation : South blue
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2008

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 20:51

quelques petites correction :

Citation :

source : confirmer :
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dare dare motus
dare dare motus

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 21:17

affraid il parle d'un deal ou d'un marché avec un Tenryuubito.
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chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 21:25

dare dare motus a écrit:
affraid il parle d'un deal ou d'un marché avec un Tenryuubito.
Peut ètre que c'est l'un des tenryubito de Shabondy, qui sait affraid
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 34
Emploi : étudiant
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2009

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 21:26

dare dare motus a écrit:
affraid il parle d'un deal ou d'un marché avec un Tenryuubito.

on ne parle ni de l'un ni de l'autre. On dit juste qu'un Tenryuubito va venir en "visite".
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Pirate experimenté
Pirate experimenté

Age : 31
Localisation : Sur les océans
Emploi : Fermier
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2009

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 21:28

Il a l'air bien long se chapitre. Oda ne veut pas faire durer sur les semaine ce flash back... Enfin même si j'aime pas les flash back il sont nécéssaire et celui va repondre a pas mal de question.Hate de voir les image
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è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 23:03

juste une petite image de plus ou on voit luffy ligoter

chap 584 spoiler Ad958c80251313
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Gear D. Luffy
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné
Gear D. Luffy

Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mai 2010 - 23:13

il a l'air cool ce Chapitre! merci pour les spoils ^^

mais franchement, Crocodile et Mr1 ont la classe dans la page couverture Cool
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Age : 40
Localisation : sous la couette avec ma robin à moi
Emploi : agent de qualité
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2006

chap 584 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Mai 2010 - 1:13

voici le scan stream va de ce scan

bon ben à part le sauvetage de luffy qui par ailleurs dans scan se fait défoncé!!
et la l'arrivée d'un dragon celeste ..;pas grand chose
si,je me pose la question sur les fameuse ouverture
est ce qu'on doit prendre ses dessins aux serieux où c'est juste deqs delires de maitre oda
car pour le moment ça reste du possible
baggy serait parti avec shanks
absalom et le dr hogback sont en vacances
crocodile et mr 1 sont en liberté habillé comme comme des mafieux
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MessageSujet: Re: chap 584 spoiler   chap 584 spoiler Icon_minitime

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