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 Chap 840 spoiler

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Age : 45
Localisation : Hamamatsu Japon
Emploi : professeur de langue et culture françaises
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2008

Chap 840 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 840 spoiler   Chap 840 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 21 Sep 2016 - 10:21

Source : Mangahelpers

Résumé en anglais

Thanks to sandman, AP for the spoilers.

Chapter title is "Iron Mask".

Judge and Vegapunk used to be illegal researchers. Vegapunk got arrested since he found blueprint of life (DNA?).

Judge managed to run away and continued researching.

Ichiji and Niji appear. Sanji kicks Niji in his face, but Niji says. "Stealth" , appears from behind and beats Sanji with electric attack.

Ichiji says he is going to confirm their hierarchy and calls Sanji clunker.

Flashback starts. Judge says that now that he gave his sons talent they should train hard.

Judge is worried why only Sanji is weak. According to doctor, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji developed their exoskeletons greatly, but Sanji is just a human. Judge is disappointed.

Judge tells Germa66 soldiers that Sanji suffered a shipwreck.
Sanji gets imprisoned with iron mask. He can't even eat and asks for help.

Judge says that Sanji is not supposed to be born.
Sanji sheds tears and apologizes again and again to Judge.

Résumé en japonais

Alternate spoiler taken from mangasail.

ヨンジ「サンジ 人間は…”作れるんだ”!!」



「海外の無法な研究チームに所属し かのDrペガパングとともに兵器の研究をしていた」

「その時ペガパングが成した偉業こそ 生物の『血統因子』の発見…!!」

「こいつは一歩間違うと神の領域に達する いわば『生命の設計図』の発見だった」

「『世界政府』はこれを危険視してペガパングを逮捕…!! 研究チームは解散…!! いや…政府に買収された」

「──だが父は政府の手から逃れ 一人この『ジェルマ』で研究を続けた」



「こいつらは全員…!! たった数名の優れた兵士たちの”コピー”!! “複製(クローン)兵”だ…!!」






ニジ「お前が海賊をやってると聞いて あの出来損ないも少しはマシに成長したかと思ったが」










Autre résumé en anglais :

Sanji's father, Judge, was a brilliant scientist like Dr. Vegapunk and he worked with Dr. Vegapunk.

Dr Vegapunk studied and found the "lineage gene" (DNA) which is considered as "life's blueprint". World Government viewed Dr Vegapunk's study as a threat and they arrested him and closed his laboratory. At that time, Sanji's father escaped and continued the research of "lineage gene" in Germa 66 kingdom.

Sanji and his brothers are not natural humans but made by his father in the laboratory. However, Sanji is a failed specimen which still contains humanity. All soldiers in Germa 66 are clone humans. Sanji and his brothers are unique who contain the "lineage gene.“


Sanji's strong kicks break his 2nd brother's face, however, even when the face is broken the kick can't hurt him due to the "lineage gene.“.

Sanji is put on an iron mask by his big brother.

(The rest of the story is similar to the above spoiler.)


Spoiler pictures from OPN.

Chap 840 spoiler 20160910

Chap 840 spoiler 20160911

Chap 840 spoiler 20160914

Chap 840 spoiler 20160915

Chap 840 spoiler 20160913

Chap 840 spoiler 20160912


EDIT BLACK: va dispo ==>
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