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 Chap 711 spoiler

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4 participants
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 31
Localisation : 67
Emploi : humain
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2013 - 15:52

source AP:
Citation :

Chapter 711: Adventures in the land of the Dwarfs

- Robin passed out and has been caught by the Dwarfs.
- The Dwarfs showed their face.
- They searched her whole body.
- Robin woke up and scared them.
- The Dwarfs trusted Robin easily because she said she won't hurt them and won't tell anyone.
- The Dwarfs asked Robin to give them weapons.
- Robin said she didn't have weapons. They didn't believe her and then attacked her.
- A dwarf stopped them and said the other man they caught is hero and Robin is his friend. Another achievement by our lord of lies Usopp.

- Zoro ran with the dwarf named Wicca who stole his sword.
- She told Zoro she have to notice captain the whereabouts of Donquixote Family first and they are about to attack Thousand Sunny(Nami, Brook, Chopper and Momonosuke).

- Rebecca saw the toy soldier run with Franky.
- It seems that there is a love story between Rebecca and the toy soldier.

- 2 mins left until exchange at south east beach, Sanji urgently called Law and asked he to leave Green Bit as soon as possible and said Dolfamingo did not quit the Shichibukai.
- At this moment Dolfamingo came from the sea and already sighted beach.
- At the same time Fujutora asked all forces to leave for south east beach.
- Sanji: Hurry up!
Law: Damn it! It's too late!

End of chapter.

No chapter next week. Chapter 712 will be out on June 26.

Courtesy by Redon (APf)

Citation :

Chapitre 711: Aventures sur la terre des nains

-Robin s'est évanouie et a été capturée par les nains.
-Les nains montrent leur visage.
-Ils fouillent tout son corps.
-Robin se réveille et les effraie.
-Les nains font facilement confiance à Robin parce qu'elle dit qu'elle ne leur fera aucun mal et ne dira rien à personne.
-Les nains demandent à Robin de leur donner des armes.
-Robin leur dit qu'elle n'a pas d'armes. Ils ne la croient pas et l'attaquent.
-Un nain les stoppe et dit que l'autre homme qu'ils ont capturé est un héros et que Robin est son amie. Un autre chef d’œuvre du roi des mensonges, Usopp.

-Zoro a couru après le nain nommé Wicca qui a volé son épée.
-Elle dit à Zoro qu'elle doit d'abord prévenir le capitaine des agissements de la Donquichotte Family et et qu'ils vont attaquer le Thousand Sunny (Nami, Brook, Chopper et Momonosuke).

-Rebecca voit le petit soldat courir avec Franky
-Il semblerait qu'il y ait une histoire d'amour entre Rebecca et le petit soldat.

-2 minutes avant l'échange sur la plage sud-est, Sanji appelle Law d'urgence et lui demande de quitter Green Bit aussi vite que possible et dit que Doflamingo n'a pas quitté les Shichibukai.
-A ce moment Doflamingo vient de la mer et a déjà la plage en vue.
-Au même moment Fujitora demande à toutes les forces de partir pour la plage sud-est.
-Sanji: Dépêchez-vous !
Law: Fait chier ! Trop tard !

Fin du chapitre.

Pas de chapitre la semaine prochaine. Le chapitre 712 sortira le 26 juin.

Ben la voilà la révélation innatendue, je sais pas comment oda va nous les sortir de là mais m*rde. Au passage on remarquera que le secret était bien gardé, même à la marine:
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 28
Localisation : Blois
Emploi : étudiant
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2012

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2013 - 16:28

Xairon a écrit:
Peut être aussi que Dofla a monté un coup avec le gouvernement et a fait style qu'il quittait les corsaires, pour pouvoir piéger Law. Faut pas oublié qu'il a l'air d'avoir des liens familiaux avec les hautes sphères du gouvernement, il doit bien avoir quelques influences.
Je l'avais dit ! Cool
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2013 - 18:38

Ben voila !!!!

Du coup dofla de son côté n'a pas quitté les shishi, et law a prévenu la marine car dofla devait etre vulnerable. Du coup son plan est pourri et le coup du mera mera ce devait être une diversion pour séparer l'équipe.
Si dofla avait tout prévu alors bravo.

Si non ben lol

Et sinon edit:
Chap 711 spoiler 1370974935776Chap 711 spoiler 1370974981431

Leo et wicka
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 31
Localisation : 67
Emploi : humain
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2013 - 23:24

on dirait pas des nains (même si ça en est dans le manga), on dirait les petit bonhommes verts, genre de lutin en irlande(je ne me souviens pas du nom)
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2013 - 23:25

Leprechaun ?
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 31
Localisation : 67
Emploi : humain
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Juin 2013 - 10:32

D'autres images:
Chap 711 spoiler C171jz8

Chap 711 spoiler BG4KP73

Gulliver en bcp plus sexy!

Citation :
First half

Chapter 711: Adventure on Island of dwarves
Caribou 29 - Scotch the Iron Boy blows up the house, the and the old lady is sent flying. Caribou is shocked at Scotch's sudden entrance

Robin is unconscious and is being body searched. One of the dwarves craw out of robin's clothes, hugging the boobs lol
Robin's reaction while they're searching "point A" and "point C" is rather... uhh.
(similar pronunciation to area, where area B is street slang for nipples rofl)

Robin wakes up, stitched to the ground like Gulliver.
One of the dwarven warrior, Leo interrogates her while anther dwarf Kabu warns them of her strange powers.
Usopp and Robin were attacked with gas from anesthetic flower.

She is taken to underground of Green Bit, where the dwarven kingdom of Tontatta.
Leo used his ability of "Nui-nui" (stitch-stitch) to hold her down in place. (They called it a spell, seemingly ignorant of how Devil Fruits work)
He says they can't allow anyone who've seen them leave alive.
Robin swears she was simply curious, and would never tell, then immediately the dwarves are fooled and let her free. lol
They're fine as long as the human isn't one of the "bad people"
Rare moment of Robin's shocked face!
Gancho, the elder of the dwarves greet her.

She asks them where her den-den mushi is, but it's been returned to wilderness.
(Oddly, the den-den mushi is still there, but no longer functional. When returned to nature, they seem they lose their ability to communicate)

They ask her to give them a weapon, that is their law. If she doesn't have any, they're going to strip her of everything.
Robin tells them she doesn't have any, and they're about to strip her down.. but one of the dwarf came to tell them to stop, she's with the "Hero". Apparently they believed all of Usopp's tall tales. They seem to be gullible by nature.

Second half

Dressrosa bay city of Acacia
Zoro is running with the girl dwarf hiding in his jacket.
She's giving him directions to the flower garden, in a hurry.
All the townsfolk think he's yelling to himself, advising the children to look the other way (i.e. Zoro is mistaken for a nut lol)

The girl's name is Wicca, a dwarf scout. She cries how clumsy she is, as Zoro asks her if she's a toy.
She explains who she is, and asks him to not tell anyone.
She can't walk she hurt her legs... and pounds into the ground with misery, cracking the ground.
Zoro is amazed at her strength despite her size

She asks Zoro to take her to her leader, she must inform them of whereabouts of the Donquixote family.
She has information that Donquixote family is planning to attack the Straw Hat pirates.
her continued pounding of the floor sends the cracks to the next building, destroying its walls.

Zoro rushes back to the Sunny, to protect the crew left there. He runs off to the opposite direction, she tells him to take her to her leader and from there she'll guide him back to the ship.

Apparently Dofla's people have been observing the movements of Straw hats the whole time, and the dwarves have been observing them. Zoro rushes to the flower garden.

meanwhile in the Colisseum...
C block is about to start. The announcer is talking about the Ka no kuni trio being one of the hopefuls...
Rebecca is looking at a... petal? something left at the window. She sees children and toys playing outside, and smiles.
She spots Franky and the toy soldier running for the "flower garden", and calls out the soldier. He seems to know Rebecca as well.
He warned her not to enter the coliseum, but she says she'll win and they'll live together when she does.
The soldier tells Franky to rush ahead, he asks him if she's ok... she's crying. But he says even a tin-man has something he must protect.. even if no tears can come out of these tin-eyes.

Meanwhile at the beach... 2 min till the time for exchange, Law gets a call from Sanji.
He warns him to leave the area immediately! Doflamingo hasn't quite Shichibukai!
Returning Ceaser won't do any good, they've fallen into their trap! Hurry up and leave!
Fujitora and Dofla are both approaching the beach, as Law tells him it's too late....!

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è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Chap 711 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 711 spoiler   Chap 711 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 12 Juin 2013 - 17:19

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