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 Chap 886 spoiler

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Age : 45
Localisation : Hamamatsu Japon
Emploi : professeur de langue et culture françaises
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2008

Chap 886 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 886 spoiler   Chap 886 spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 22 Nov 2017 - 14:34

Source : Mangahelpers

Résumé en anglais

Chapter 886: Zish Ish How I Live

Sanji and co start moving the cake to the port. They meet oven outside. Oven lets pudding pass but tackles Chiffon down. Chiffon swears to help make the cake to the end but Oven calls her a traitor and prepares to take her out. Pound tries to rescue Chiffon. Sanji (in disguise) helps chiffon escape while Pound takes the attention. Oven catches up to Chiffon. Oven gets a call from his den-den-mushi telling him that Bege’s ship is heading towards Cacao Island and is being pursued. Oven uses Chiffon as hostage for Bege to dock at the port and surrender. Bege complies. Bege reaches the port and shoots Oven but is surrounded from the sea.

[Sunny’s side] Carrot: I wonder if it’s a full moon tonight

[Luffy’s side] Luffy jumps between the various towns and mirro-world. Luffy tries to figure out how to beat Katakuri. Flashback to Rayleigh saying that Haki’s potential can only be truly released in an extreme battle, by facing stronger enemies, you will also stronger and stronger.

Luffy wonders if he can also see the future a little and announces that he wants to beat Katakuri at full power

Capone: Look at me, Pez!! This is the way how your daddy lives!!

Résumé en japonais

第886話 "生き様でちゅよ"



ルフィ「おれ 全力のあいつに勝ちてェ!!! 10億の男に!!!」

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