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 Chap 696 Spoiler

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2 participants
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Chap 696 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 696 Spoiler   Chap 696 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 23 Jan 2013 - 8:01

Chap 696 Spoiler C2bad0233558254

Citation :
Little summary.

- In the cover, 3 pirates appears in front of Caribou.
- All the people is together but Smoker draw a line that divide pirates and Marines.
- Franky arrives with the Sunny.
- Kinemon breaks solid gas and recovers.
- Momonosuke human form appears.
- Mocha is fine, Law heals her.
- There´s a party.
- In the last page there´s a flashback. Kaido it´s the Yonkou.

Citation :
Chapter 696: Common interests
Coribou encounters local officers on the way to the port, captain Gaffle (Gafuru)
The captain is crying facing off Caribou (in fear?)

The G-5 Marines draw a line on the tanker, separating the pirates and the marines.
Smoker called for the marines to send a ship over, and he and his team will stay behind for it.
Brownbeard will stay with the marines, as he and his men seemingly are also poisoned from the experiments.
Apparently the marines can treat them if they are arrested.
He says being locked up in cell is still far better than letting Ceasar do whatever he wants with them.

Chopper comes crying to Luffy that Law is a murderer
Brook also cries how how he accidently killed someone already dead (lol)
He dropped Kinemon, and the petrified surfade is full of cracks.

Kinemon emerges out of the stone unharmed though, to which Sanji reponds by punching him "How in the hell are you stll alive!"
Kinemon doens't know why he's still alive... Kinemon enbraces Momonosuke, who is in human form.
Momo is naked, so Kinemon makes a samurai clothing for him using his powers.

Chopper storm into Law's operation room, demanding to know what he did with the kids.
Law warned him not to look... he was slicing up the kids.

He treated the children and removed much of the venom by cutting them into pieces and operating on them.
However, Law tells Chopper the children needs long-term treatment to be fully well off.
Mocha however, is still unconcious. Chopper promises them they'll be returned to their parents.
Tashigi walks into the room, telling the kids the marines will take care of them from here.

Nami negotiaged with the marines to take the children. She was especially convinced by the convictions of Tashigi.
She reminds her of her mother, Bellemere, as she was also a strong marine woman who cared for children.

Sanji cooks up a massive, gigantic pot of stew soup. It's one of the New Kama secret 99 Vital recipe,
Hormone Soup with Sea Pork. A very strong vitality restoring dish. As well as table full of other tasty entrees!
Momo, despite starving, stubbonly tries to refuse the food... but his father digs in to the food, and tells his son it's ok to trust these people.
His life was saved by them too. "It's ok now... let's believe they're doing just fine! Come, eat now! We will live another day!"
Kinemon's speech to his son suggests there's something going on with their lives... who are "they"?
Sanji notices the two Wano men have something to their backgrounds, and wonders what.

The children, Marines, everyone comes to the feasting table.
Law warns Luffy that they have no time for this, they need to get going... there will be men coming after them soon.
Luffy says tells him ok, I got it.

Then he tuns around immediately to everyone and announces the start of the feast! LOL.
(insert Law's stunned face)

Some of the G-5 men reports to Smoker that they have learned the weakness of the poisoned gas from Caesar.
They believe their men left on the island can be saved, and going back to get them.

Smoker asks Law, he can't possibly believe he would honor a promise made with a pirate. There were many chances to get rid of him.
Why didn't he do so? What is Law planning to do with Straw Hats?

Flashback to Law and Luffy's deal.
Luffy asks who Law is after, and it's Kaidou of Hundred Beasts.
Luffy says as long as the first one to go after isn't Shanks, he's ok with it.
Luffy plans to defeat all of the Yonkou himself eventually!


source: AP =>

WoW apparition de Kaidou dans le chap !
bon on sait que la cible de Law est kaidou maintenant, j'aurais bien voulu big mom quand meme, ça aurait ete un bon hasard

ps: vous pressez pas sur les spoils, le chap devrait pas tarder en VA, naru et bleach sont deja dispo chez le panda

Dernière édition par Bl@ckIce le Mer 23 Jan 2013 - 8:21, édité 2 fois
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Apprenti pirate
Apprenti pirate

Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 26/08/2012

Chap 696 Spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 696 Spoiler   Chap 696 Spoiler Icon_minitimeMer 23 Jan 2013 - 8:13

Rhho j'ai pas la permission d'aller sur la page de apforum.. J'ai pas reçu le message pour activé..

Bref, venons en au spoil.. Apparemment la fin de l'arc sera avec ce scan.. ou pas ^^

Personnellement je lis ^^

3 Pirate apparait devant Cariboo
Tout le monde est ensemble, mais smocker trace une ligne pour diviser les Pirate des Marine
Francky arrive avec le Sunny
Kinemon brise le gaz et récupère.. (sérieux ?)
Momonosuke prend sa forme humaine
Mocha va très bien, Law la guérie
C'est la fête
Dans la dernière pas il y a un flashback, Kaido c'est le Yonko..

En gros pas sur que l'on verra Kaido.. ^^ T'être qu'on le verra pas dans le flashback..

Donc j'avais raison de penser que le Yonko que Law voulait vaincre c'était Kaido ^^ Smile

En tout cas, merci Bl@ckIce =D

EDIT Bl@ckIce: VA dispo =>
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