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 Chap 693 spoiler

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4 participants
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

Chap 693 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Chap 693 spoiler   Chap 693 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 18 Déc 2012 - 10:56

Source mh ca sent la pause...... Raw un mardi ...

Franky Vs Baby-5.
Brook and Kinemon appear.
Something about Monet, Doflamingo and a detonator.

Title: "Die for Me"
Franky attacks with his left side, without a word
B5 returns fire while falling. Shogun doesn't have a scratch on it. Franky throws a shield boomerang.
B5 turns into a sword and cuts the shield in half. She's got her mission of retrieving Caesar to carry out, so she turns into a missile. Direct hit on Shogun.
Caesar is on the verge of death, but with his last breaths, he tries to take Smoker down with him (he has Smoker's heart)
Law tells Luffy to hurry, but Luffy says he has to wait for his friends. Chopper and Brook are late. Brook is lamenting about Kinemon's fate, and Momo is surprised to hear about that.
Dofla and Monet chat.

Monet is going to push one more self-destruct switch for Dofla.

Monet: "Say no more. I thought this might happen from the very start."
Dofla: "!?"
Monet: "I'm at the switch now. The explosion should even reach the tanker. Should I go ahead and do such a drastic thing?"
Dofla: "Sorry about this... yes, take everything down with you... die for me."
Monet: "Understood. Young master."

Chapter 693: Please, die.

Franky attacks without hesitation with his General Left.
Baby 5 keeps firing back at Franky General while falling. Her attacks don't put even a scrach on FG.
General Franky throws a Shield Boomerang.
Baby 5 turns into a katana, and Baffalo uses her to slice the Shield in half.
Remembering Doflamingo's orders, Baby 5 turns into a missle and flies to recover Caesar.
The missle hits FG.
Caesar is barely alive, but with his last strength, he tries to crush Smoker's heart and take him with him.

Law hurries up Luffy, but LUffy stays saying his crew aren't with them yet.
Chopper and Brook finally arrives, Brook cries about Kin-emon. Momo is surprised at what's happened to his dad.

Meanwhile, Dofla speaks with Monet...
Monet intends to go and hit another self-destruction switch still active.

Monet: Don't say anymore, Joker... I've intended to do this from the start.
Dofla: !?
Monet: I'm in front of the destruction switch right no... the explosion should reach the tanker. Everything will be lost, is that ok?
Dofa: I'm sorry about this.... Yes, take everything down with you, and die.
Monet: Roger that, young master.

end of chap
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Pirate d'honneur OPC
Pirate d'honneur OPC

Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2006

Chap 693 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 693 spoiler   Chap 693 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 18 Déc 2012 - 15:08

Scandaleux ce que je lis là... affraid Monet wtf !?
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Monkey D. Goku
Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné
Monkey D. Goku

Age : 40
Localisation : sur mon nuage supersonic ^^
Emploi : Agent de sécurité
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2007

Chap 693 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 693 spoiler   Chap 693 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 18 Déc 2012 - 15:45

bigmess a écrit:
Scandaleux ce que je lis là... affraid Monet wtf !?

Ouai, en même temps elle peu crever la harpie, elle a blessé Robin-swan !! Twisted Evil
Je savais bien qu'il serrai question d'auto-destruction mais j'aurai pas parié sur ce scénario.
En tout cas elle est prête à mourir pour son "jeune maitre", ce qui donne du crédit à la théorie selon laquelle Dofla est un "fils de...", un petit prince aux dents longues (qui avait lancé cette théorie?)
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Pirate Chevronné
Pirate Chevronné

Age : 42
Localisation : NICE et DTC
Emploi : Cinéphile invulnérable
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2008

Chap 693 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 693 spoiler   Chap 693 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 18 Déc 2012 - 17:32

Va lock

Franky connaissant bien vega(2 an sur l'ile d'origine de vega... Labo travail etc ) devait connaitre l'existence d'un tel dispositif d'autodestruction. Il se pourrait qu'avec chance il ait anticipé sur ça et fait une bidouille qui pourrait être en faveur des mugi's and co.

Je vois bien une arnaque dans le genre. Twisted Evil

Pourquoi serait-il partie de son coté!

Je l'ai pas dis sur le dernier chap mais je pensais que buffalo était le gros croisé avec dofla et baby 5, mais..... non lol
Purée il a déjà deux beaux boeuf dans son équipe...

Edit ( qui sent le pâté ) probalement pas de jump la semaine prochaine ( je m'en doutais perso)
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è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é
è_é Beware !! Admin Méchant ! è_é

Age : 39
Localisation : hahaha !!!! J'sépa... et toi ?
Emploi : Technicien Méthode
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Chap 693 spoiler Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chap 693 spoiler   Chap 693 spoiler Icon_minitimeMar 18 Déc 2012 - 22:20

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